PKmud - Objects

rainbow staff~
the rainbow staff~
The rainbow staff lies here.~
1 64 65537
0 0 -1 0
8 100 26
26 50
12 10
3 1
4 1
Sting lies here.~
5 1 8193
0 2 7 11
1 200 15
2 2
19 2
a sign~
A sign demands your attention.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0

Welcome to the Shire.  As you enter the Shire from Haon-Dor you come under
the jurisdiction of the Thain, the peacekeeper of the Shire.  Consequently,
by entering these lands you agree to obey our laws.  If you break these laws,
you will be severely punished.  We do not like riff raff in our peaceful

                                        The Thain
                                        Peacekeeper of the Shire


The above is a segment of the object section of The Shire.

"#OBJECTS" denotes the beginning of the objects section, and is required.

"#1100" is the virtual number (VNUM) of the object, and must be unique among all objects in the world.

"rainbow staff" is the keyword list. These are the words which characters use to designate this object. The tilde is required.

"the rainbow staff" is the short description. This is the description shown in inventory and when an item is equipped. The tilde is required.

"The rainbow staff lies here." is the objects description, which is shown when it is on the ground. The tilde is required.

The tilde on the next line is required. In early Dikus, there was another field, the "action description". It is not used, but to keep most compatibility, it was not removed, and is required.

"1" is the item type. This value declares what the second line of values means for the item, which will be described below.

"64" is the item's extra bits. These are declared in the table below.

"65537" is the item's wear flags. If the object can be picked up, this must be an odd number. Unfortunately, being based on Merc code, PKmud does not recognize multiple wear locations, so even if you put more than one, the item will only be wearable on the first one which it checks. I have fixed this on other games before, but I may or may not move the fix to PKmud, so design your items to have only one wear location. Values are in the table below.

"0 0 -1 0" is the item-type dependant set of values for the item.

"8" is the object's weight. Keep in mind that for weapons, this determines whether a character has enough strength to wield a weapon.

"100" is the object's value, which is more or less unused.

"26" is the percentage chance for the item to load.

"A .. 26 50" is a character affect generated by the item when it is worn. "A" declares that an affect is being given. "26" is the location of the affect (see the table below), and "50" is the amount.

In the entry for #1102 (the sign), "E <keyword list>~ description~" is used to give an object descriptions which are viewed by keywords other than it's main keywords. The tildes are required.

Item type Info

Every item has 4 values, numbered 0 through 3, which determine it's properties.

type 1 - light: Only value 2 is used. This is the number of ticks the light works for. If it is set to -1, the light source is permanent.

type 2 - scroll: Value 0 is the spell level. Values 1-3 are the slot numbers of the spells it casts.

type 3 - wand

type 4 - staff: Value 0 is the spell level. Value 1 is the maximum number of charges. Value 2 is the starting number of charges. Value 3 is the slot number of the spell the item casts.

type 5 - weapon: Value 0 is unused. Value 1 and 2 are the damage dice. Roll value_1 dice of size value_2. Value 3 is the damage type. Only damage type 11 can backstab. See the table below for damage types. For ranged weapons, value 0 is the reload time.

type 8 - treasure: All values unused. Useful for selling or spec procs only.

type 9 - armor: Value 0 is the armor class of the item. Values 1-3 are unused.

type 10 - potion: Value 0 is the spell level. Values 1-3 are the slot numbers of the spells it casts.

type 11 - unknown

type 12 - furniture

type 13 - trash: These types ignore their values.

type 15 - container: Value 0 is the amount of weight the container may carry. The rest are unused.

type 17 - drink container: Value 0 is the max number of drink units the container can hold. Value 1 is the number of drink units currently in the container. Value 2 is the liquid contained. See the liquid table for information. Value 3 is normally set to 0. If it is anything other than 0, the item is poisoned.

type 18 - key: These values are ignored, as doors contain the vnum of the key which opens them.

type 19 - food: all values are ignored. If value 3 is not 0, it is poisoned.

type 20 - money: Value 0 is the number of coins the pile holds. All other values are ignored

type 22 - boat: All values are ignored.

type 23 - corpse

type 24 - corpse: All values ignored. Value 0 is capacity, but is usually 0.

type 25 - fountain: Value 2 is the liquid contained.

type 26 - pill: Value 0 is the spell level. Values 1-3 are the slot numbers of the spells it casts.

type 30 - jewelry: Value 0 is the armor class. Jewelry may be enchanted by the enchant weapon spell.

type 31 - quiver: Value 0 is unused. Value 1 is the spell cast by the arrow. If it does not cast, this should be 0. Value 2 is the number of arrows left in the quiver. Value 3 is unused.

type 32 - trap: If value 0 is not 0, it is the slot number of the spell which the trap casts.

Extra bits table.

bit #define description
1 ITEM_GLOW item glows
2 ITEM_HUM item hums
4 ITEM_DARK item is dark
8 ITEM_RENAME for jewelry, wands, staves, scrolls:

item is randomly renamed upon creation.

16 ITEM_EVIL item is evil
32 ITEM_INVIS item is invis
64 ITEM_MAGIC item is magic
128 ITEM_NODROP players can not drop the item
256 ITEM_BLESS the item is blessed.
512 ITEM_ANTI_GOOD the item zaps good aligned players
1024 ITEM_ANTI_EVIL the item zaps evil aligned players
2048 ITEM_ANTI_NEUTRAL the item zaps neutral aligned players
4096 ITEM_NOREMOVE the item can not be removed once equipped
8192 ITEM_INVENTORY shops sells more than one of this item
524288 ITEM_DISARM for weapons. this weapon may disarm.
1048576 ITEM_RANGED_WEAPON for weapons. this weapon is also a bow.

in addition, it does half damage in melee.

2097152 ITEM_RANGED_MAGIC for quivers: does both magic and normal damage

Wear bits table.

bit location
1024 ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT (cloak)

APPLY table.

#define APPLY_STR                     1
#define APPLY_DEX                     2
#define APPLY_INT                     3
#define APPLY_WIS                     4
#define APPLY_CON                     5
#define APPLY_CLASS                   7
#define APPLY_MANA                   12
#define APPLY_HIT                    13
#define APPLY_AC                     17
#define APPLY_HITROLL                18
#define APPLY_DAMROLL                19
#define APPLY_SAVING_PARA            20
#define APPLY_SAVING_ROD             21
#define APPLY_SAVING_PETRI           22
#define APPLY_SAVING_BREATH          23
#define APPLY_SAVING_SPELL           24
#define APPLY_REGEN_HIT              25
#define APPLY_REGEN_MANA             26

#define APPLY_RESIST_FIRE            30
#define APPLY_RESIST_COLD            31
#define APPLY_RESIST_PHYSICAL        33
#define APPLY_RESIST_MAGIC           34
#define APPLY_RESIST_DRAIN           35

#define APPLY_SKILL_PICK             100
#define APPLY_SKILL_BALANCE          101
#define APPLY_SKILL_SIXTH_SENSE      102
#define APPLY_SKILL_BASH             103
#define APPLY_SKILL_BACKSTAB         104

Weapon Type Table

Number Damage Type
0 hit (don't use)
1 slice
2 stab
3 slash
4 whip
5 claw
6 blast
7 pound
8 crush
9 grep
10 bite
11 pierce
12 suction

Liquid Table

number name color mana hits
0 water clear 25 25
1 beer amber 0 10
2 nitrous oxide gasseous 0 400
3 gasoline red-brown 200 200
4 liquid nitrogen gasseous -100 250
5 whisky golden -20 40
6 lemonade pink 50 25
7 firebreather boiling 250 -75
8 local specialty everclear 25 40
9 slime mold juice green -100 -100
10 milk white 35 100
11 jolt bubbling 400 0
12 sour milk white -40 -100
13 blood red 400 400
14 apple juice amber 10 35
15 cocha cola bubbling 15 15
16 hemlock clear -80 -80
17 pehpsi cola bubbing -150 -35
18 urine golden -60 -90
19 sludge black 100 100
20 carbon monoxide gasseous 0 -350
21 drano clear -300 -300
22 plasma bright red 0 0
23 liquified spam pink -100 -100