PKmud - Damaging Spells

Spell Name Damage Saving Throws Other
acid breath Caster's current

hps/16 to hps/8.

Normal for half damage.

Normal for item destruction/damage.

Chance of damaging armor.

Chance of destroying potions, drinks, and containers.

burning hands 30 to 50 None if caster is Alterer, normal otherwise.

Extra save if victim is Alterer or Barbarian.

call lightning 15D8 Normal. Room Affect
cause critical 3D8 + 24 None.
cause light 1D8 + 10 None.
cause serious 2D8 + 15 None.
chill touch 15 to 25 If caster is Necromancer, first save always fails.

Victim saves at +4 bonus against first save.

Extra save if victim is Necromancer or Barbarian.

-2 to str if fail first save.
colour spray 30 to 50 First save is normal.

Extra save if victim is Alterer or Barbarian.

Save at +5 bonus or

be blinded for 2 ticks.

death spray 80 If caster is Invoker, no saving throw.

Otherwise, save is normal.

Room Affect.
dispel evil Level > victim level: 100

else 30D4


Extra save if victim is Barbarian.

Only affects evil.
dispel good Level > victim level: 100

else 30D4


Extra save if victim is Barbarian.

Only affects good.
earthquake 30 + 2D8 None. Room Affect.
ego whip 40 to 75 Normal.
fire breath Caster's current

hps/16 to hps/8.

Normal against damage.

Normal against item destruction.

Chance to destroy containers, drinks, potions, scrolls, staves, wands, food and pills.
fireball 70 + 2D20 None if caster is Invoker, normal otherwise.

Extra save if victim is Invoker or Barbarian.

Third normal save.

Automatic half damage to mage and bard.

flamestrike 10D8 First save normal.

Extra save if victim is Barbarian.

frost breath Caster's current

hps/16 to hps/8.

Normal against damage.

Normal against item destruction.

Chance to destroy containers, drinks, and potions.
gas breath Caster's current

hps/6 to hps/4.

Normal. Room affect.
harm 50 First save normal.

Extra save if victim is Barbarian.

Monk automatically takes half damage.

Can't kill. Leaves 1D4.
ice storm 30D6 None if caster is Invoker, normal otherwise.

Extra save if victim is Invoker or Barbarian.

ki release 30 to 50 None. Knocks victim from room.
lightning bolt 55 to 85 None if caster is Invoker, normal otherwise.

Extra save if victim is Invoker or Barbarian.

Monk automatically takes half damage.

lightning breath Caster's current

hps/4 to hps/3.

magic missile 10 to 15 Normal.
psionic blast 20 to 40 None. Knocks victim from room.

Room affect.

shocking grasp 50 to 70 None if caster is Alterer, normal otherwise.

Extra save if victim is Alterer or Barbarian.

Third save normal.

vampiric touch 20 + 1D30 First save is for no affect.

If caster is Necromancer, first save always fails.

Extra save if victim is Necromancer or Barbarian.

Caster gains damage hps.