archery | Ranged attack.
Must wield a bow and wear a quiver. Only the bow and arrows affect damage. Damage roll does not affect damage, hunt early. |
backstab | +4 hitroll bonus.
Must succeed for backstab percent AND hitroll. *5 damage for thief, *7 for assassin. Takes double damage from fireshield. |
bash | Only skill affects success.
Must be wielding a weapon and wearing a shield. Blindness halves chance of bashing. Only skill affects success. and finally, only skill affects success. |
caltrops | Leaves damaging caltrops on the ground.
Flying people don't hit caltrops. |
disarm | Requires disarm weapon, except for monk.
Monk's disarm may destroy weapon with 25% chance. Only skill affects success. |
dodge | Automatic in combat.
Must be standing. |
enhanced damage | Adds percentage of enhanced damage to every physical attack.
Enhanced damage does not "kick in." |
kick | Only affected by skill.
Monks kick has 30% chance to destroy some equipment. |
parry | Automatic in combat.
Must be standing and wielding a weapon. |
rescue | Useful for stealing kills. Not much else. |
second attack | Automatic in combat. |
snare /
traps |
Knocks opponent down, similar to bash.
Flying people don't hit snares. |