PKmud - Annoyance Spells
Spell Name | Affect | Saves |
blackmantle | Victim can not heal by any means.
Lasts 5 ticks. |
-10 penalty to save.
Necro and Barbarian get extra save. |
blindness | Victim is blinded for 1-2 ticks. | -10 penalty to save.
Illusionist and Barbarian get extra save. |
charm person | Gain control of victim.
Victim is unable to attack caster. Duration is 30 / victim's int. |
Impossible if caster lower level. |
confusion | Victim is confused for 15-30 ticks.
Duration is reduced by one per attempt to move, and each tick. Intelligence -3. |
Normal. |
curse | -1 hitroll
+4 save vs spell. Lasts 120 ticks. |
Conjurer and Barbarian get extra save. |
dispel magic | Removes all magic affects from victim. | Only Abjurer can save, and only if
the caster is not an Abjurer. |
faerie fire | Adds 60 to victim's AC.
Duration: 30 ticks |
None. |
poison | Victim's regeneration rates are divided by 4.
Victim takes 7D7 damage per tick. Lasts 6 ticks. |
No save if caster is Necro, else normal.
Necromancer and Barbarian get extra save. |
sleep | Puts victim to sleep.
Duration: 0 ticks. (1-75 seconds) |
No save if caster is Enchanter, else normal.
Enchanter and Barbarian get extra save. |
summon | Summons target character.
Only works on NPCs unless summon flag is active. |
Normal for NPCs.
None for PCs. |
weaken | Lowers victim's strength by 2.
Duration: 15 ticks |
No save if caster is Enchanter, else normal. |