PKmud - Annoyance Spells

Spell Name Affect Saves
blackmantle Victim can not heal by any means.

Lasts 5 ticks.

-10 penalty to save.

Necro and Barbarian get extra save.

blindness Victim is blinded for 1-2 ticks. -10 penalty to save.

Illusionist and Barbarian get extra save.

charm person Gain control of victim.

Victim is unable to attack caster.

Duration is 30 / victim's int.


Impossible if caster lower level.

confusion Victim is confused for 15-30 ticks.

Duration is reduced by one per attempt to move, and each tick.

Intelligence -3.

curse -1 hitroll

+4 save vs spell.

Lasts 120 ticks.


Conjurer and Barbarian get extra save.

dispel magic Removes all magic affects from victim. Only Abjurer can save, and only if

the caster is not an Abjurer.

faerie fire Adds 60 to victim's AC.

Duration: 30 ticks

poison Victim's regeneration rates are divided by 4.

Victim takes 7D7 damage per tick.

Lasts 6 ticks.

No save if caster is Necro, else normal.

Necromancer and Barbarian get extra save.

sleep Puts victim to sleep.

Duration: 0 ticks. (1-75 seconds)

No save if caster is Enchanter, else normal.

Enchanter and Barbarian get extra save.

summon Summons target character.

Only works on NPCs unless summon flag is active.

Normal for NPCs.

None for PCs.

weaken Lowers victim's strength by 2.

Duration: 15 ticks

No save if caster is Enchanter, else normal.