Item Special Procedures

Some pieces of equipment provide additional benefits beyond their statistics. These may provide additional strengths, or negate game-changing abilities. A few examples of these special items are listed below.

Procedure Affect Objects
cleric biter If the target is affected by the sanctuary spell, each strike has a 1/8 chance to cast dispel magic and blackmantle. black longsword
detect invis Allows the wearer to detect invisible characters. ethereal helm
small helmet
dragon slayer If the target is a dragon, each strike has a 1/16 chance of extra 10D10 attack. the dragonslayer
fly Allows the wearer to fly. wind boots
winged boots
frost blade If the target is affected by fireshield, each strike has a 1/8 chance to cast dispel magic and frost breath. ice staff
ice trident
invis Makes wearer invisible. Invis falls off if enter combat. ethereal plate
the One Ring
poison weapon Each strike has a 1/16 chance of casting poison on opponent. morgul knife
spider shaped dagger